11. Freedom tophat
10. Any and all varieties of a rare tophat
9. Pink tophat
8. WisteriaMOON tophat (In case you don't know who she is, it's the tophat with pink and brown stripes.)
7. Black striped tophat
6. Solid black tophat
5. Aparri tophat (If you don't know who he is, it is the red tophat)
4. Striped blue tophat
3. Solid blue tophat
2. Tan tophat
1. Founders hat
Well, that was dull. Here is a list of tophats based on opinion;
11. Freedom tophat
This tophat is sold in the freedom party, for 150 gems. People approximately think it's worth a few store bought items, more to the expensive side, but not epic
wonders worthy. A fair trade would be A headflower, Faerie wings, and a plushie.
10. Rare tophats (No magenta)
These tophats are RIMs that were sold in: Dec 9, 2013 (Jamaaliday) and Oct 27, 2014, (Halloween) Not worth a lot, maybe 2 nr bows and arrows, or a few RIMs, but nothing too much. A fair trade would be: A nonrare bow and one rare item Monday.
9. Pink tophat
This tophat is rarer then the other two, but still not worth that much. Maybe rare bow and arrows and a nonrare spike (Diamond short) A fair trade would be rare bow and arrow and a bad nr worn.
8. Tan tophat
These tan tops are pretty cool looking, kind of reminds me of chocolate. Those green dots? Pieces of
candy! Mmmmmm! But I'm getting off track. These tops are not worth much more then the pink one. Maybe add 2 rims? A fair trade for this would me a diamond long. (Not the one in stores yesterday!)
7. Wisteria tophat
My first kind of tophat! Sadly, I got scammed of this, but whatever, life happens. This is worth a tan top and a den beta. A fair trade would be a tan top and a gum ball machine.
6. Blue striped tophat
This tophat looks really pretty! It's worth a good den beta and a bad den beta, and add small. A fair trade would be a Cami's Frog and a RIM.
5. Black Striped tophat
This is pretty rare! Worth a blue striped tophat and add quite a bit! A fair trade would be a blue striped tophat and 2 bad worns.
4. Solid Blue Tophat
The only tophat I currently have. This top is worth maybe a black striped top and a good worn. A fair trade would be a black striped tophat with 2 bad worns.
3. Aparri Hat
This tophat which is also on the main look of the swaggy famous jammer known as Aparri, is worth a good worn and 1-3 Rare bow and arrows. A fair trade would be a solid blue tophat and a worn.
2. Solid black tophat
Now we're getting into the really rare tophats! This is my fave tophat ever! XD Worth a good worn and maybe a bad spike wrist, or a good den beta, something like that. A fair trade would be an Aparri Hat and a RIM.
1. Magenta Tophat
Drumroll please! (dududududu) This tophat is number 1 rarest spot! This is thought by many to be "Glitched" but actually that is NOT true. This was released days after the "Magenta Spike" event. Which is when some people's spikes got glitched when AJHQ was maintaining their accounts. But that's a story for another post. So, it happened right after that, and many people wanted to own a magenta item other than a necklace, so they released this, and many jammers thought it was glitched. Depending on who you ask, it's worth a regular rare item Monday to a good long! (The reason why it's number 1 is because many people think it's worth a bad short collar or more.) And they're gaining rarity very quickly, so get one soon! A fair trade would be a pink short.
0?! Founders hat.
Rarer than all those above is the one and only founders! They dropped in rarity quite recently, they used to be worth 4-6 black long collars! (Not anymore, though.) Everyone, hands down thinks these are worth a lot! Worth a pink or blue lone nowadays, and for a tophat, that's pretty rare! A fair trade would be a rare blue long spike collar!
So anyways, I hope you enjoyed. This is accurate now, though, rarity may change. And that's least to rarest tophats!
Thanks a mil helped a lot!
ReplyDeleteNyan, I just traded the jamaaliday one for the black ()U ()
ReplyDeleteHi! Thank you for reading my blog! Unfortunately, this post was only accurate at the time it was made. A few months ago, all color tophats, including black, had been rereleased in stores for a few days, dropping their rarity very much so. Although your trade wasn't bad, they are worth about the same, I just wanted to let you know that this post is no longer accurate.
DeleteI have a magenta tophat! someone told me it was worth a den beta
ReplyDeleteSooo... I traded a masterpiece for a Tan Tophat. Was it worth it?
ReplyDeletethe only tophat i had was the magenta one, i wish i had it back, i think i had a magenta spike too, but i honestly don't remember the spike
ReplyDeletei gave 5 den betas for a rare magenta top hat. in animal jam my name is johnboy980
ReplyDeleteI have a magenta top hat! :) i will take any offers - Snowy2111