Saturday, 10 December 2016

Animal Jam: Huge Glitch!?

Hey animaljammers, I am here to tell you about a glitch that happened a few minutes ago! I was wearing both a necklace AND a spike!
Not only that, but my necklace was a glitched color! All white with magenta in the middle, when I only had a blue necklace! What is going on?!
In this picture, I am wearing my spike, but every step I took, it switched to a necklace! Weird!
Here, look at my inventory (and sorry I'm not rare! XD) It clearly shows I'm wearing a necklace! Normal, right? Wrong! Look at my animal! It's wearing my spike!

I tried re-loading the page, and I was still wearing both! So, have any of you guys experienced a glitch like this? Tell me in the comments, I would love to hear! Also, sorry for the short post! X3



  1. Woah weird glitch XD

  2. that glitch is happening with me but its a blue short and a spirit amulet!
