Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Hey Animaljammers! I am hosting a "Meet Me" Soon! This will be an amazing party with many Jammers! I am inviting my buddies, my IRL friends, and you guys, my blog readers! At this party, there will be chats, trading, giveaways, autos, hero recruiting, and more! Here is the schedule, time, and more!
                                                                The Activities
3:00 PM: I'll be inviting buddies and greeting people, while you may talk, trade, and party with the people that are already there.
3:15 PM: Giveaway!
3:30 PM: Budding people, and arranging times to talk.
3:50 PM: Animal jam help drive.
4:00 PM: Recruiting heroes, and benevolents.
4:15 PM: Goodbyes!

                                                              Animal Jam Help Drive
What it is: An Animal Jam "charity" aimed towards New Jammers and people who got hacked/scammed.
How you can help: Gift/trade unwanted items. I will gift back if you want to keep it, but don't expect this to be a "gift black long gift beta hood back" sort of thing. Gifting never had/never will be equivalent of trading, simply because it's mostly a scam.
What to gift: No New Jammer, Scammed Person, or Hacked Person, expects a black long from a single person. Nor do I, so why gift your rarest items? Here are some good ideas of what to gift: Rare Item Mondays; New Jammers' eyes light up at the sight of a rare tag. For scammed people, they give plenty of gems. Hacked people? Well, rare item Mondays are a great way to build up.
Expensive items: No. I'm not talking about promo items, or EBay-Brought items from Skorm. I'm talking gold bricks, golden bow and arrows, and diamond rings. A nonmember option would be turquoise rings. These are good because they are a nice point to build off of, and give a lot of gems! :D Unwanted Items: This has no limits! It can be a necklace, it can be a furry, this can be any item in the whole game! And, I said don't give out rares. What I meant was don't give out what's rare to YOU! For example, let's say you're very unrare and 80% of your items are in stores all the time. Your rarest item is a rare short orange wristband.  In this case, it might be better to give a store bought item than your wristband. Now let's say you're super rare, magenta eyeballs, glitched rings, and beta blankets galore! Your least rare item is a short, rare, orange, wrist, and you would like to donate. This orange wristband would be totally OK to give away! See what I mean here?

                                                     Times and Dates
The blog time zone is Central Time. https://www.google.com/search?q=What+time+is+it+in+central+time%3F&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
My apologies if you must have it earlier or later than what you like. The date will be February 18/ (18/2/17).

I really hope you can make it!


Sunday, 1 January 2017

(Another) HUGE GLITCH?!

Hey animaljammers, and unlike the other post, this glitch didn't happen to me, but rather to my friend. (Don't worry, I have screenshots!) I have blocked out his username for privacy n stuff. XD Here is a pic
As you can see, it has NO member key, and yet he is STILL a member! Wow.
Here are some other pics:
As you can see from these pictures, none of his animals are wearing anything at all, member or nonmember. That's strange.
He is currently as his pig.

His den is all nonmember stuff. Now, we got the strange part of the glitch covered, now the theory part.

       How I Think The Glitch Happened (I could be wrong, but this is just my guess.)
Daredevil, (I'm going to call him Awesome, because that's his main animal's name) Awesome, is a close friend of mine, and we talk a lot. The last time I talked to him was 2 days ago. (At the current time, 1/1/16.) And he was a member.

As you can see from this picture, he was last active 1 Day ago. (Let's assume he was member yesterday, otherwise this theory wouldn't make any sense!) 1 DAY AGO. Which means he wasn't active today. His membership would've expired today, since he is nonmember, and was member yesterday. He hasn't logged on today, so that means when he logs on, he gets the whole "UR MEMBER HAS EXPIRED LOL -AJHQ" Thing. And when that happens, you have to choose 2 nonmember animals. He has more than 2 nonmember animals, which means AJHQ couldn't just choose for him. So, AJHQ, kept ALL his animals, so he could choose. [EDIT] I saw one of his animals wearing cat ears later today. [EDIT OVER] So that means that he was wearing all member stuff. (Cuz AJHQ does something with your items and dens when you become a nonmember.) AAAAAANYWAYS, That's just a theory.

Bye guys! Wuv you!


Saturday, 17 December 2016

Least to Rarest-Tophats

Now, I know a lot of people have been doing least to rarest with spikes, party hats, etc. But no one does tophats! Here is an updated list of tophats and their rarities.
                              A LIST OF RARITY WITH HOW MANY THERE ARE
11. Freedom tophat
10. Any and all varieties of a rare tophat
9. Pink tophat
8. WisteriaMOON tophat (In case you don't know who she is, it's the tophat with pink and brown stripes.)
7. Black striped tophat
6. Solid black tophat
5. Aparri tophat (If you don't know who he is, it is the red tophat)
4. Striped blue tophat
3. Solid blue tophat
2. Tan tophat
1. Founders hat

                                                             Well, that was dull. Here is a list of tophats based on opinion;

11. Freedom tophat
This tophat is sold in the freedom party, for 150 gems. People approximately think it's worth a few store bought items, more to the expensive side, but not epic
 wonders worthy. A fair trade would be A headflower, Faerie wings, and a plushie.

10. Rare tophats (No magenta)
These tophats are RIMs that were sold in: Dec 9, 2013 (Jamaaliday) and Oct 27, 2014, (Halloween) Not worth a lot, maybe 2 nr bows and arrows, or a few RIMs, but nothing too much. A fair trade would be: A nonrare bow and one rare item Monday.

9. Pink tophat

This tophat is rarer then the other two, but still not worth that much. Maybe rare bow and arrows and a nonrare spike (Diamond short) A fair trade would be rare bow and arrow and a bad nr worn.

8. Tan tophat
These tan tops are pretty cool looking, kind of reminds me of chocolate. Those green dots? Pieces of
candy! Mmmmmm! But I'm getting off track. These tops are not worth much more then the pink one. Maybe add 2 rims? A fair trade for this would me a diamond long. (Not the one in stores yesterday!)

7.  Wisteria tophat
My first kind of tophat! Sadly, I got scammed of this, but whatever, life happens. This is worth a tan top and a den beta. A fair trade would be a tan top and a gum ball machine.

6. Blue striped tophat
This tophat looks really pretty! It's worth a good den beta and a bad den beta, and add small. A fair trade would be a Cami's Frog and a RIM.

5. Black Striped tophat
This is pretty rare! Worth a blue striped tophat and add quite a bit! A fair trade would be a blue striped tophat and 2 bad worns.

4. Solid Blue Tophat

The only tophat I currently have. This top is worth maybe a black striped top and a good worn. A fair trade would be a black striped tophat with 2 bad worns.

3. Aparri Hat

 This tophat which is also on the main look of the swaggy famous jammer known as Aparri, is worth a good worn and 1-3 Rare bow and arrows. A fair trade would be a solid blue tophat and a worn.
2. Solid black tophat

Now we're getting into the really rare tophats! This is my fave tophat ever! XD Worth a good worn and maybe a  bad spike wrist, or a  good den beta, something like that. A fair trade would be an Aparri Hat and a RIM.

1. Magenta Tophat
Drumroll please! (dududududu) This tophat is number 1 rarest spot! This is thought by many to be "Glitched" but actually that is NOT true. This was released days after the "Magenta Spike" event. Which is when some people's spikes got glitched when AJHQ was maintaining their accounts. But that's a story for another post. So, it happened right after that, and many people wanted to own a magenta item other than a necklace, so they released this, and many jammers thought it was glitched. Depending on who you ask, it's worth a regular rare item Monday to a good long! (The reason why it's number 1 is because many people think it's worth a bad short collar or more.)  And they're gaining rarity very quickly, so get one soon! A fair trade would be a pink short.

0?! Founders hat. 
Rarer than all those above is the one and only founders! They dropped in rarity quite recently, they used to be worth 4-6 black long collars! (Not anymore, though.) Everyone, hands down thinks these are worth a lot! Worth a pink or blue lone nowadays, and for a tophat, that's pretty rare! A fair trade would be a rare blue long spike collar!

                                                            So anyways, I hope you enjoyed. This is accurate now, though, rarity may change. And that's least to rarest tophats!


Saturday, 10 December 2016

Animal Jam: Huge Glitch!?

Hey animaljammers, I am here to tell you about a glitch that happened a few minutes ago! I was wearing both a necklace AND a spike!
Not only that, but my necklace was a glitched color! All white with magenta in the middle, when I only had a blue necklace! What is going on?!
In this picture, I am wearing my spike, but every step I took, it switched to a necklace! Weird!
Here, look at my inventory (and sorry I'm not rare! XD) It clearly shows I'm wearing a necklace! Normal, right? Wrong! Look at my animal! It's wearing my spike!

I tried re-loading the page, and I was still wearing both! So, have any of you guys experienced a glitch like this? Tell me in the comments, I would love to hear! Also, sorry for the short post! X3


Saturday, 26 November 2016

Scammer Warning: Art890

I know, I haven't posted in a while, but I found this scammer. So I just HAD to report here! Her username is Art890. Here is her player card:

I was in Jamaa township, when I saw art saying "trust trade my den!"

I went, knowing it was a scam and came to warn people. About 5 other people came, and left for some reason. I don't know why. Only this one girl and I stayed.
I screamed, "DON'T TRUST HER SHE'S SCAMMING!" And the other girl simply said "Hello people! Welcome to a scam!" Since we both knew it was a scam, I was about to leave, and I was about to until she said"How am I scamming?"Instead of admitting she was scamming, she just said that in order to make her seem like an innocent little jammer, clueless of how to scam. I just said "You'll accept that's how!"  Serious back-pedalling begins now:

Well thanks, captain obvious. If this was my first time playing AJ in years, then I wouldn't consider this back-pedalling, but it's not. So Art, you lose. I didn't really say anything except: "Thanks. I never knew that. :T" Well, how everyone trust trades in 2016 is they accept at first and then decline, plus how do I know she didn't hack auto accept into the game? It really makes me sad how people even fall for this "Trust Trade". It should be  called "Scam Trade" Almost everytime someone does this right, there's a little bunny and Jamaa Township begging for rares and saying they got scammed. Later she said "whatever.", and more about how trust trade is not a scam.  After arguing about this for 30 seconds, she simply said "Oh poop!" (AKA admitting that she scams.) And after that my favourite thing in the whole wide world happened:
Yep! I got locked out! Report Art890 for scamming! And have a pawsome day! :D


Friday, 18 November 2016

Hi jammers!

Hello AnimalJammers, Leader Snowy here! Hopefully we're going to get heroes soon.  I just want to tell you guys, how great you are, ALL of you! In fact, I have a note for you, no matter your personality type.
Scammers+Hackers, Everyone calls you the "bad jammers" of Jamaa, and I don't blame them! But I don't think of you like that, honestly, I don't. I think of you as "unique jammers who just happen to hack and/or scam"  But don't get me wrong, I don't want people to hack and scam! I want hackers and scammers to change for the better, so they can have buddies other then scam partners or future victims! That's why I think of you like that, if you don't scam/hack anymore! In fact, my (future) heroes and I don't think that it's our goal to get every single hacker and scammer banned, crying, or bullied.  All we want to do is recognise you, so less jammers fall victim, and shame you a little, not to much, just enough to think "Wow. Scamming and hacking ARE bad! I'm going on a fresh start and never scamming or hacking again!" In fact, if our heroes WANT you to suffer, even if you changed, or they don't give you a second chance, then report them to me and they will get kicked or even fired! Just don't use this as a way to get them fired, because then I won't like you, and besides, you need evidence before I fire them! ;)
Friendly Jammers, I love you! In fact, maybe you'll be a hero, co-leader, or even leader some day! But I'm getting ahead of myself, let me tell you a few things you did; Back long ago, you colored items for nonmembers, you were kind to everyone, you never/quit scamming and hacking,  and you always called someone out as a scammer. Now, you are hero-worthy! If you want to join, JAG me (Snowyskip) A "Cool as an arctic wolf!" with a sword and shield. You are a hero already, don't get me wrong, but if you want to join our team, you're very welcome too! And don't worry, everyone makes mistakes, no one here expects you to be, well, anything more then a hero, though you can be if you want to. We will all forgive you for your mistakes, if you do the same for us! Now, since this message is short, I made a little word letter thing, well, you'll know what it is when you see it!

Normal Jammers, I know, you're a normal person, with a life outside of AJ, and this, but I want you to know, that you may have not reported a scammer, but at least you warned a New Jammer! That New Jammer would've quit if it weren't for you, if you think about it, you saved their items, their self-esteem (Because surprisingly, they think that they can trust anyone on AJ because it's a kids game.) their happiness! Even if you haven't done that, if you try to remember anything kind you've done, whether you gifted a person and didn't expect a gift back, showed a new jammer around, or other kind things, I want to say Thank You. Now, know that I'm sending you a virtual hug right now, and a heartfelt thanks. Now, I want you to thank yourself, and know that many people think you're great, including me, the leader of a blog! Now, that felt great, didn't it? it's actually easy to get this feeling, all you have to do is make someone's day a little better, before you know it, you'll get promoted to the good jammers!

  Drama Queens (And kings), I...  really don't know what to say about you..... XD I could never imagine my life on AJ without you, and all the fun you brought me, but sometimes, it's just... No. XD I hate you, but I love you. (I hate you,  I love you I hate that I love you! XD) since this is a short post for you, I'll leave you with a game, see how many times I said XD during the post and comment below! :D

The OMG I RLLY WANNA BE A HERO THAT LOOKS SU KEWL!!!!!, Honestly, I am flattered with you, really, and if you want to be a hero, then JAG me a "Cool as an arctic wolf!" With a blue paw stamp. Since you're post is short, I'll leave you with an autograph.

The Haters, It's ok that you're really jealous of me. :) And on extreme cases, you spend a lot of time writing comments to tell me that, and to make sure I know that you're thinking about me. Thanks! "PS, Even if you hate me, I still win because you can't stop thinking about me!" -Firetigerx (I am not going to leave you any activities because you are a hater.)

                                                        So, Jammers  if I forgot to mention your personality type, leave a comment and I will reply to you personally. :) Until next time!
